A small word (More like annoying but hey *shrug*) but with such hugh importance behind it. Without jobs, people wouldn't survive (unless having food and safety provided i.e homeless people). People wouldn't be able to have ever expanding familys (Aka five, six...maybe twelve kids?) because jobs are what provide the income and lifestyles we all crave for (living in buckingham palace), but how easy is it for you to get a job these days? (Not a McDonalds job. C'mon people, that isn't really a
For a teenager, it's
Well? Nobody? No one? Ah yes, there's always the family route with the connections which brings me onto the social and 'class bubble' route but not all of us have that choice. Those who do have that choice on the other hand have the option of smashing those who apply out of the way with a simple flick of the wrist simply because their "Daddy is the CEO." But I understand that it's not always like that and I have no intention in causing offence to those who actually have the option of side stepping into a job but to all those mums and dads, grown-ups and elderly other there who nag and nag at their spawn, it's not so easy. Take away your degree's, experience and strip you down naked (work-wise ofcourse. Don't be dirty now.) and try and find yourself a job. Maybe then you'll understand how hard it actually is.
In refrence to those who cannot find jobs, try visiting some websites as well the younger generation is well known for their internet surfing skills (and let that be a compliment ;-] ]. Here are some I myself took the liberty in finding for you:
- www.jobsite.co.uk
- www.gumtree.com
- www.monster.co.uk
- www.reed.co.uk
- www.fish4.co.uk
- www.totaljobs.com
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