Thursday, 7 February 2013

Politics- the boring stuff (and a MASSIVE BURGER)

So the world is falling apart slowly but surely. ( THE END IS NEAR )

"Now calm down will you, everythings going to be fine" - The Doctor in Epic Rap Battles of History

..Yes Doctor, we are all calm now. (All includes you *points at the screen* ^.~)

But seriously, what are the people of politics doing? The rulers leaders of the world have gone it-so bat-so. (I love that word x~x!!...I don't even know if it's real) But why? Personally I say it's down to their class backgrounds. CLASS BUBBLES. (tehe bubbles :-3..) Bubbles which havn't been popped and really? How can a bubble NOT be popped? (I love popping bubbles..@o@) though it is rather difficult, especially with those who have grown up with their own social bubbles and nothing else.

Look at the courts. Most judges are male and old( with white hair and wrinkles..). Now I have nothing against males working (compared to extreme femanists. They scare me..) but when most judges are old and most likely un-able to stay awake during a case, that's when problems arise. You stick a middle-class or even working-class individual infront of a stereotypical judge, explain what they have done (which some of the time isn't their fault or that bad) and the judge will not understand WHY someone would do such a thing. They don't understand the circumstances and social stands which others in other class bubbles are put through on a daily basis.

The same goes for MP's off in England. They make laws and argue but mainly think about themselves. Each party only thinks about one class bubble (or so it seems :S) but even when paired together, end up as a married lizard couple (David+Nick FOREVER)

It is time for a new superhero!..I mean brain? ...person? I think the way inwhich someone can come into power should be changed. LET NORMAL PEOPLE TRY...please? ^.~ But seriously. Look at those who are inpower, where they came from. Did they really put enough effort in? Obama yeah..maybe. He's pretty smooth anyway. (looking at Beyonce's ass naughty naughty) But what if an everyday person off the street was given a shot? Maybe those who have been throught the actual rough times instead of having their pools and their MASSIVE BEEF JERKY (don't get any dirty thoughts).

Think about it? ...Please? D-:

Love Whisper x

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